\<\+\?\&\"\'\/\\\:\s\-\#\%\=]+/' , '-' , $str ); } if( $maxl > 0 ) { $maxl = ( int ) $maxl; $str = utf8_substr( $str , 0 , $maxl ); } $str = trim( $str , '_-' ); if( !strlen( $str ) ) { $str = substr( md5( microtime( true ) ) , 0 , ( $maxl == -1 ? 32 : $maxl ) ); } return $str; } /** * is_utf8( ) * * Checks whether the passed string contains only byte sequances that * appear valid UTF-8 characters. * @since 1.0 * * @param string $str The string to be checked * @return bool True if the check succeeds, False Otherwise */ function is_utf8( $str ) { if( pcre_utf8_support( ) ) { return ( bool ) preg_match( '//u', $str ); } if( mbstring_loaded( ) ) { return mb_check_encoding( $str , 'UTF-8' ); } //Fallback $len = strlen( $str ); for( $i = 0 ; $i < $len ; $i++ ) { if( ( $str[$i] & "\x80" ) === "\x00" ) { continue; } else if( ( ( $str[$i] & "\xE0" ) === "\xC0" ) && ( isset( $str[$i+1] ) ) ) { if( ( $str[$i+1] & "\xC0" ) === "\x80" ) { $i++; continue; } return false; } else if( ( ( $str[$i] & "\xF0" ) === "\xE0" ) && ( isset( $str[$i+2] ) ) ) { if( ( ( $str[$i+1] & "\xC0" ) === "\x80" ) && ( ( $str[$i+2] & "\xC0" ) === "\x80" ) ) { $i = $i + 2; continue; } return false; } else if( ( ( $str[$i] & "\xF8" ) === "\xF0" ) && ( isset( $str[$i+3] ) ) ) { if( ( ( $str[$i+1] & "\xC0" ) === "\x80" ) && ( ( $str[$i+2] & "\xC0" ) === "\x80" ) && ( ( $str[$i+3] & "\xC0" ) === "\x80" ) ) { $i = $i + 3; continue; } return false; } else { return false; } } return true; } /** * utf8_ord( ) * * Calculates Unicode Code Point of the given UTF-8 encoded character * @since 1.0 * * @param string $chr The character of which to calculate Code Point * @return int Unicode Code Point of the given character * 0 on invalid UTF-8 byte sequence */ function utf8_ord( $chr ) { $chr = utf8_split( $chr ); $chr = $chr[0]; switch( strlen( $chr ) ) { case 1: return ord( $chr ); case 2: return ( ( ord( $chr[0] ) & 0x1F ) << 6 ) | ( ord( $chr[1] ) & 0x3F ); case 3: return ( ( ord( $chr[0] ) & 0x0F ) << 12 ) | ( ( ord( $chr[1] ) & 0x3F ) << 6 ) | ( ord( $chr[2] ) & 0x3F ); case 4: return ( ( ord( $chr[0] ) & 0x07 ) << 18 ) | ( ( ord( $chr[1] ) & 0x3F ) << 12 ) | ( ( ord( $chr[2] ) & 0x3F ) << 6 ) | ( ord( $chr[3] ) & 0x3F ); } return 0; } /** * utf8_strlen( ) * * Finds the length of the given string in terms of number * of valid UTF-8 characters it contains. Invalid characters are ignored. * @since 1.0 * * @param string $str The string for which to find the character length * @return int Length of the Unicode String */ function utf8_strlen( $str ) { if( mbstring_loaded( ) ) { $str = utf8_clean( $str ); return mb_strlen( $str , 'UTF-8' ); } if( iconv_loaded( ) ) { $str = utf8_clean( $str ); return iconv_strlen( $str , 'UTF-8' ); } //PCRE \X is buggy in many recent versions of PHP //See the original post. //if( pcre_utf8_support( ) ) //{ // $str = utf8_clean( $str ); // // preg_match_all( '/\X/u' , $str , $matches ); // // return count( $matches[0] ); //} return count( utf8_split( $str ) ); } /** * utf8_chr( ) * * Generates a UTF-8 encoded character from the given Code Point * @since 1.0 * * @param int $code_point The code point for which to generate a character * @return string Milti-Byte character * returns empty string on failure to encode */ function utf8_chr( $code_point ) { if( ( $i = ( int ) $code_point ) !== $code_point ) { //$code_point is a string, lets extract int code point from it if( !( $i = ( int ) utf8_hex_to_int( $code_point ) ) ) { return ''; } } //json not working properly for larger code points //See the original post. //if( extension_loaded( 'json' ) ) //{ // $hex = dechex( $i ); // // return json_decode('"\u'. ( strlen( $hex ) < 4 ? substr( '000' . $hex , -4 ) : $hex ) .'"'); //} //else if( mbstring_loaded( ) /*extension_loaded( 'mbstring' )*/ ) { return mb_convert_encoding( "&#$i;" , 'UTF-8' , 'HTML-ENTITIES' ); } else if( version_compare( phpversion( ) , '5.0.0' ) === 1 ) { //html_entity_decode did not support Multi-Byte before PHP 5.0.0 return html_entity_decode( "&#{$i};" , ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' ); } //Fallback $bits = ( int ) ( log( $i , 2 ) + 1 ); if( $bits <= 7 ) //Single Byte { return chr( $i ); } else if( $bits <= 11 ) //Two Bytes { return chr( ( ( $i >> 6 ) & 0x1F ) | 0xC0 ) . chr( ( $i & 0x3F ) | 0x80 ); } else if( $bits <= 16 ) //Three Bytes { return chr( ( ( $i >> 12 ) & 0x0F ) | 0xE0 ) . chr( ( ( $i >> 6 ) & 0x3F ) | 0x80 ) . chr( ( $i & 0x3F ) | 0x80 ); } else if( $bits <=21 ) //Four Bytes { return chr( ( ( $i >> 18 ) & 0x07 ) | 0xF0 ) . chr( ( ( $i >> 12 ) & 0x3F ) | 0x80 ) . chr( ( ( $i >> 6 ) & 0x3F ) | 0x80 ) . chr( ( $i & 0x3F ) | 0x80 ); } else { return ''; //Cannot be encoded as Valid UTF-8 } } /** * pcre_utf8_support( ) * * Checks if \u modifier is available that enables Unicode support in PCRE. * @since 1.0 * * @return bool True if support is available, false otherwise */ function pcre_utf8_support( ) { static $support; if( !isset( $support ) ) { $support = @preg_match( '//u', '' ); //Cached the response } return $support; } /** * utf8_clean( ) * * Accepts a string and removes all non-UTF-8 characters from it. * @since 1.0 * * @param string $str The string to be sanitized. * @return string Clean UTF-8 encoded string */ function utf8_clean( $str , $remove_bom = false ) { //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1401317/remove-non-utf8-characters-from-string //caused connection reset problem on larger strings //$regx = '/((?:[\x00-\x7F]|[\xC0-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]|[\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2}|[\xF0-\xF7][\x80-\xBF]{3}){1,})|./'; $regx = '/([\x00-\x7F]|[\xC0-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]|[\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2}|[\xF0-\xF7][\x80-\xBF]{3})|./s'; $str = preg_replace( $regx , '$1' , $str ); if( $remove_bom ) { $str = utf8_str_replace( utf8_bom( ) , '' , $str ); } return $str; } /** * utf8_split( ) * * Convert a string to an array of Unicode characters. * @since 1.0 * * @param string $str The string to split into array. * @param int $split_length Max character length of each array element * @return array An array containing chunks of the string */ function utf8_split( $str , $split_length = 1 ) { $str = ( string ) $str; $ret = array( ); if( pcre_utf8_support( ) ) { $str = utf8_clean( $str ); // http://stackoverflow.com/a/8780076/369005 $ret = preg_split('/(? 1 ) { $ret = array_chunk( $ret , $split_length ); $ret = array_map( 'implode' , $ret ); } if( $ret[0] === '' ) { return array( ); } return $ret; } /** * utf8_chunk_split( ) * * Splits a string into smaller chunks and multiple lines, using the specified * line ending character * @since 1.0 * * @param string $body The original string to be split. * @param int $chunklen The maximum character length of a chunk * @param string $end The character(s) to be inserted at the end of each chunk * @return string The chunked string */ function utf8_chunk_split( $body , $chunklen = 76 , $end = "\r\n" ) { return implode( $end , utf8_split( $body , $chunklen ) ); } /** * utf8_fits_inside( ) * * Checks if the number of Unicode characters in a string are not * more than the specified integer. * @since 1.0 * * @param string $str The original string to be checked. * @param int $box_size The size in number of chars to be checked against string. * @return bool true if string is less than or equal to $box_size The * false otherwise */ function utf8_fits_inside( $str , $box_size ) { return ( utf8_strlen( $str ) <= $box_size ); } /** * utf8_chr_size_list( ) * * Generates an array of byte length of each character of a Unicode string. * @since 1.0 * * @param string $str The original Unicode string * @return array An array of byte lengths of each character. */ function utf8_chr_size_list( $str ) { return array_map( 'strlen' , utf8_split( $str ) ); } /** * utf8_max_chr_width( ) * * Calculates and returns the maximum number of bytes taken by any * UTF-8 encoded character in the given string * @since 1.0 * * @param string $str The original Unicode string * @return array An array of byte lengths of each character. */ function utf8_max_chr_width( $str ) { return max( utf8_chr_size_list( $string ) ); } /** * utf8_single_chr_html_encode( ) * * Converts a UTF-8 character to HTML Numbered Entity like { * @since 1.0 * * @param string $chr The Unicode character to be encoded as numbered entity * @return string HTML numbered entity */ function utf8_single_chr_html_encode( $chr ) { return '&#' . utf8_ord( $chr ) . ';'; } /** * utf8_html_encode( ) * * Converts a UTF-8 string to a series of * HTML Numbered Entities like {'ی... * @since 1.0 * * @param string $str The Unicode string to be encoded as numbered entities * @return string HTML numbered entities */ function utf8_html_encode( $str ) { return implode( array_map( 'utf8_single_chr_html_encode' , utf8_split( $str ) ) ); } /** * utf8_substr( ) * * UTF-8 aware substr * @since 1.0 * * For detailed documentation see php.net/substr * * substr works with bytes, while utf8_substr works with characters * and are identical in all other aspects. */ function utf8_substr( $str , $start = 0 , $length = NULL ) { //iconv and mbstring are not tolerant to invalid encoding //further, their behaviour is inconsistant with that of PHP's substr if( iconv_loaded( ) ) { $str = utf8_clean( $str ); if( $length === NULL ) { $length = PHP_INT_MAX; } return iconv_substr( $str , $start , $length , 'UTF-8' ); } if( mbstring_loaded( ) ) { $str = utf8_clean( $str ); if( $length === NULL ) { $length = PHP_INT_MAX; } return mb_substr( $str , $start , $length , 'UTF-8' ); } //Fallback //Split to array, and remove invalid characters $array = utf8_split( $str ); //Extract relevant part, and join to make sting again return implode( array_slice( $array , $start , $length ) ); } /** * utf8_bom( ) * * Returns the Byte Order Mark Character * @since 1.0 * * @return string Byte Order Mark */ function utf8_bom( ) { return "\xef\xbb\xbf"; //static $bom = 0; //if( !$bom ) //{ // $bom = pack( 'CCC' , 0xEF , 0xBB , 0xBF ); //} //return $bom; } /** * is_bom( ) * * Checks if the given string is a Byte Order Mark * @since 1.0 * * @param string $utf8_chr The input string * @return bool True if the $utf8_chr is Byte Order Mark, False otherwise */ function is_bom( $utf8_chr ) { return ( $utf8_chr === utf8_bom( ) ); } /** * utf8_file_has_bom( ) * * Checks if a file starts with BOM character * @since 1.0 * * @param string $file_path Path to a valid file * @return bool True if the file has BOM at the start, False otherwise */ function utf8_file_has_bom( $file_path ) { return is_bom( file_get_contents( $file_path , 0 , NULL , -1 , 3 ) ); } /** * utf8_string_has_bom( ) * * Checks if string starts with BOM character * @since 1.0 * * @param string $str The input string * @return bool True if the string has BOM at the start, False otherwise */ function utf8_string_has_bom( $str ) { return is_bom( substr( $str , 0 , 3 ) ); } /** * utf8_add_bom_to_string( ) * * Prepends BOM character to the string and returns the whole string. * If BOM already existed there, the Input string is returned. * @since 1.0 * * @param string $str The input string * @return string The output string that contains BOM */ function utf8_add_bom_to_string( $str ) { if( !is_bom( substr( $str , 0 , 3 ) ) ) { $str = utf8_bom( ) . $str; } return $str; } /** * utf8_str_shuffle( ) * * Shuffles all the characters in the string. * @since 1.0 * * @param string $str The input string * @return string The shuffled string */ function utf8_str_shuffle( $str ) { $array = utf8_split( $str ); shuffle( $array ); return implode( '' , $array ); } /** * utf8_count_chars( ) * * Returns count of characters used in a string * @since 1.0 * * @param string $str The input string * @return array An associative array of Character as keys and * their count as values */ function utf8_count_chars( $str ) //there is no $mode parameters { $array = array_count_values( utf8_split( $str ) ); ksort( $array ); return $array; } /** * utf8_strrev( ) * * Reverses characters order in the string * @since 1.0 * * @param string $str The input string * @return string The string with characters in the reverse sequence */ function utf8_strrev( $str ) { return implode( array_reverse( utf8_split( $str ) ) ); } /** * utf8_strpos( ) * * Finds the number of Characters to the left of first occurance of the needle * @since 1.0 * * For detailed documentation see php.net/strpos * * strpos works with bytes, while utf8_strpos works with characters * and are identical in all other aspects. */ function utf8_strpos( $haystack , $needle , $offset = 0 ) { //iconv and mbstring do not support integer $needle if( ( ( int ) $needle ) === $needle && ( $needle >= 0 ) ) { $needle = utf8_chr( $needle ); } $needle = utf8_clean( ( string ) $needle ); $offset = ( int ) $offset; //mb_strpos returns wrong position if invalid characters are found in $haystack before $needle //iconv_strpos is not tolerant to invalid characters $haystack = utf8_clean( $haystack ); if( mbstring_loaded( ) ) { return mb_strpos( $haystack , $needle , $offset , 'UTF-8' ); } if( iconv_loaded( ) ) { return iconv_strpos( $haystack , $needle , $offset , 'UTF-8' ); } if( $offset > 0 ) { $haystack = utf8_substr( $haystack , $offset ); } //Negative Offset not supported in PHP strpos(), ignoring if( ( $pos = strpos( $haystack , $needle ) ) !== false ) { $left = substr( $haystack , 0 , $pos ); return ( $offset > 0 ? $offset : 0 ) + utf8_strlen( $left ); } return false; } /** * utf8_max( ) * * Returns the UTF-8 character with the maximum code point in the given data * @since 1.0 * * @param mixed $arg A UTF-8 encoded string or an array of such strings * @return string The character with the highest code point than others */ function utf8_max( $arg ) { if( is_array( $arg ) ) { $arg = implode( $arg ); } return utf8_chr( max( utf8_codepoints( $arg ) ) ); } /** * utf8_min( ) * * Returns the UTF-8 character with the minimum code point in the given data * @since 1.0 * * @param mixed $arg A UTF-8 encoded string or an array of such strings * @return string The character with the lowest code point than others */ function utf8_min( $arg ) { if( is_array( $arg ) ) { $arg = implode( $arg ); } return utf8_chr( min( utf8_codepoints( $arg ) ) ); } /** * utf8_codepoints( ) * * Accepts a string and returns an array of Unicode Code Points * @since 1.0 * * @param mixed $arg A UTF-8 encoded string or an array of such strings * @param bool $u_style If True, will return Code Points in U+xxxx format, * default, Code Points will be returned as integers * @return array The array of code points */ function utf8_codepoints( $arg , $u_style = false ) { if( is_string( $arg ) ) { $arg = utf8_split( $arg ); } $arg = array_map( 'utf8_ord' , $arg ); if( $u_style ) { $arg = array_map( 'utf8_int_to_hex' , $arg ); } return $arg; } /** * utf8_int_to_hex( ) * * Converts Integer to hexadecimal U+xxxx code point representation * @since 1.0 * * @param int $int The integer to be converted to hexadecimal code point * @return string The Code Point, or empty string on failure */ function utf8_int_to_hex( $int , $pfix = 'U+' ) { if( ctype_digit( ( string ) $int ) ) { $hex = dechex( ( int ) $int ); $hex = ( strlen( $hex ) < 4 ? substr( '0000' . $hex , -4 ) : $hex ); return $pfix. $hex; } return ''; } /** * utf8_hex_to_int( ) * * Opposite to utf8_int_to_hex( ) * Converts hexadecimal U+xxxx code point representation to Integer * @since 1.0 * * @param string $str The Hexadecimal Code Point representation * @return int The Code Point, or 0 on failure */ function utf8_hex_to_int( $str ) { if( preg_match( '/^(?:\\\u|U\+|)([a-z0-9]{4,6})$/i' , $str , $match ) ) { return ( int ) hexdec( $match[1] ); } return 0; } /** * utf8_chr_to_hex( ) * * Get hexadecimal code point (U+xxxx) of a UTF-8 encoded character * @since 1.0 * * @param string $chr The input character * @return string The Code Point encoded as U+xxxx */ function utf8_chr_to_hex( $chr , $pfix = 'U+' ) { return utf8_int_to_hex( utf8_ord( $chr ) , $pfix ); } /** * utf8_word_count( ) * * Counts number of words in the UTF-8 string * @since 1.0 * * @param string $str The input string * @return int The number of words in the string */ function utf8_word_count( $str ) { return count( explode( '-' , utf8_url_slug( $str ) ) ); } //Since Version 1.2 /** * utf8_string( ) * * Makes a UTF-8 string from Code points * @since 1.2 * * @param array $array Integer or Hexadecimal codepoints * @return string UTF-8 encoded string */ function utf8_string( $array ) { return implode( array_map( 'utf8_chr' , $array ) ); } /** * utf8_substr_count( ) * * Count the number of sub string occurances * @since 1.2 * * @param string $haystack The string to search in * @param string $needle The string to search for * @param int $offset The offset where to start counting * @param int $length The maximum length after the specified offset to search for the substring. * @return int number of occurances of $needle */ function utf8_substr_count( $haystack , $needle , $offset = 0 , $length = NULL ) { if( $offset || $length ) { $haystack = utf8_substr( $haystack , $offset , $length ); } return ( $length === null ? substr_count( $haystack , $needle , $offset ) : substr_count( $haystack , $needle , $offset , $length ) ); } /** * is_ascii( ) * * Checks if a string is 7 bit ASCII * @since 1.2 * * @param string $str The string to check * @return bool True if ASCII, False otherwise */ function is_ascii( $str ) { return ( bool ) !preg_match( '/[\x80-\xFF]/' , $str ); } /** * utf8_range( ) * * Create an array containing a range of UTF-8 characters * @since 1.2 * * @param mixed $var1 Numeric or hexadecimal code points, or a UTF-8 character to start from * @param mixed $var2 Numeric or hexadecimal code points, or a UTF-8 character to end at * @return array Array of UTF-8 characters */ function utf8_range( $var1 , $var2 ) { if( ctype_digit( ( string ) $var1 ) ) { $start = ( int ) $var1; } else if( !( $start = ( int ) utf8_hex_to_int( $var1 ) ) ) { //if not u+0000 style codepoint if( !( $start = utf8_ord( $var1 ) ) ) { //if not a valid utf8 character return array( ); } } if( ctype_digit( ( string ) $var2 ) ) { $end = ( int ) $var2; } else if( !( $end = ( int ) utf8_hex_to_int( $var2 ) ) ) { //if not u+0000 style codepoint if( !( $end = utf8_ord( $var1 ) ) ) { //if not a valid utf8 character return array( ); } } return array_map( 'utf8_chr' , range( $start , $end ) ); } /** * utf8_hash( ) * * Creates a random string of UTF-8 characters * @since 1.2 * * @param int $len The length of string in characters * @return string String consisting of random characters */ function utf8_hash( $len = 8 ) { Static $chrs = array( ); Static $chrs_len = null; if( !$chrs ) { if( pcre_utf8_support( ) ) { $chrs = array_map( 'utf8_chr' , range( 48 , 0xffff ) ); $chrs = preg_replace( '/[^\p{N}\p{Lu}\p{Ll}]/u' , '' , $chrs ); $chrs = array_values( array_filter( $chrs ) ); } else { $chrs = array_merge( range( '0' , '9' ) , range( 'A' , 'Z' ) , range( 'a' , 'z' ) ); } $chrs_len = count( $chrs ); } $hash = ''; for( ; $len ; --$len ) { $hash .= $chrs[ mt_rand( ) % $chrs_len ]; } return $hash; } /** * utf8_chr_map( ) * * Applies callback to all characters of a string * @since 1.2 * * @param string $callback The callback function * @param string $str UTF-8 string to run callback on * @return array The outcome of callback */ function utf8_chr_map( $callback , $str ) { $chrs = utf8_split( $str ); return array_map( $callback , $chars ); } /** * utf8_callback( ) * * @Alias of utf8_chr_map( ) * @since 1.2 */ function utf8_callback( $callback , $str ) { return utf8_chr_map( $callback , $str ); } /** * utf8_access( ) * * Returns a single UTF-8 character from string. * @since 1.2 * * @param string $str UTF-8 string * @param int $pos The position of character to return. * @return string Single Multi-Byte character */ function utf8_access( $string , $pos ) { //return the character at the specified position: $str[1] like functionality return utf8_substr( $string , $pos , 1 ); } /** * utf8_str_sort( ) * * Sort all characters according to code points * @since 1.2 * * @param string $str UTF-8 string * @param bool $unique Sort unique. If true, repeated characters are ignored * @param bool $desc If true, will sort characters in reverse code point order. * @return string String of sorted characters */ function utf8_str_sort( $str , $unique = false , $desc = false ) { $array = utf8_codepoints( $str ); if( $unique ) { $array = array_flip( array_flip( $array ) ); } if( $desc ) { arsort( $array ); } else { asort( $array ); } return utf8_string( $array ); } /** * utf8_strip_tags( ) * * Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string * @since 1.2 * * @param string $str UTF-8 string * @param string $allowable_tags The tags to allow in the string. * @return string The stripped string. */ function utf8_strip_tags( $string , $allowable_tags = '' ) { //clean broken utf8 $string = utf8_clean( $string ); return strip_tags( $string , $allowable_tags ); } //Since Version 1.3 /** * utf8_str_replace( ) * * UTF-8 aware replace all occurrances of a string with another string * @since 1.3 * * @param mixed $search The value being searched for * @param mixed $replace value that replaces search values * @param mixed $subject The string or array being searched and replaced on. * @param int $count Holds number of replaced needles * @return mixed string or array with replaced values */ function utf8_str_replace( $search , $replace , $subject , &$count = 0 ) { return str_replace( $search , $replace , $subject , $count ); } /** * utf8_str_repeat( ) * * Repeat a UTF-8 encoded string * @since 1.3 * * @param string $input The string to be repeated * @param int $multiplier Number of times string to be repeated * @return string Returns the repeated string */ function utf8_str_repeat( $string , $multiplier ) { return str_repeat( $string , $multiplier ); } /** * utf8_str_pad( ) * * Pad a UTF-8 string to given length with another string * @since 1.3 * * @param string $input The input string * @param int $pad_length The length of return string * @param string $pad_string String to use for padding the input string * @param int $pad_type can be STR_PAD_RIGHT, STR_PAD_LEFT or STR_PAD_BOTH * @return string Returns the padded string */ function utf8_str_pad( $input , $pad_length , $pad_string = ' ' , $pad_type = STR_PAD_RIGHT ) { $input_length = utf8_strlen( $input ); if( is_int( $pad_length ) && ( $pad_length > 0 ) && ( $pad_length >= $input_length ) ) { $ps_length = utf8_strlen( $pad_string ); $diff = $pad_length - $input_length; switch( $pad_type ) { case STR_PAD_LEFT: $pre = utf8_str_repeat( $pad_string , ( int ) ceil( $diff / $ps_length ) ); $pre = utf8_substr( $pre , 0 , $diff ); $post = ''; break; case STR_PAD_BOTH: $pre = utf8_str_repeat( $pad_string , ( int ) ceil( $diff / $ps_length / 2 ) ); $pre = utf8_substr( $pre , 0 , ( int ) $diff / 2 ); $post = utf8_str_repeat( $pad_string , ( int ) ceil( $diff / $ps_length / 2 ) ); $post = utf8_substr( $post , 0 , ( int ) ceil( $diff / 2 ) ); break; case STR_PAD_RIGHT: default: $post = utf8_str_repeat( $pad_string , ( int ) ceil( $diff / $ps_length ) ); $post = utf8_substr( $post , 0 , $diff ); $pre = ''; } return $pre . $input . $post; } return $input; } /** * utf8_strrpos( ) * * Find position of last occurrence of a char in a UTF-8 string * @since 1.3 * * @param string $haystack The string to search in * @param string $needle The string to search for * @param int $offset Number of char to ignore from start or end * @return int THe position of last occurrance of needle */ function utf8_strrpos( $haystack , $needle , $offset = 0 ) { if( ( ( int ) $needle ) === $needle && ( $needle >= 0 ) ) { $needle = utf8_chr( $needle ); } $needle = utf8_clean( ( string ) $needle ); $offset = ( int ) $offset; $haystack = utf8_clean( $haystack ); if( mbstring_loaded( ) ) { //mb_strrpos returns wrong position if invalid characters are found in $haystack before $needle return mb_strrpos( $haystack , $needle , $offset , 'UTF-8' ); } if( iconv_loaded( ) && $offset === 0 ) { //iconv_strrpos is not tolerant to invalid characters //iconv_strrpos does not accept $offset return iconv_strrpos( $haystack , $needle , 'UTF-8' ); } if( $offset > 0 ) { $haystack = utf8_substr( $haystack , $offset ); } else if( $offset < 0 ) { $haystack = utf8_substr( $haystack , 0 , $offset ); } if( ( $pos = strrpos( $haystack , $needle ) ) !== false ) { $left = substr( $haystack , 0 , $pos ); return ( $offset > 0 ? $offset : 0 ) + utf8_strlen( $left ); } return false; } /** * utf8_remove_duplicates( ) * * Removes duplicate occurrances of a string in another string * @since 1.3 * * @param string $str The base string * @param string $what String to search for in the base string * @return string The result string with removed duplicates */ function utf8_remove_duplicates( $str , $what = ' ' ) { if( is_string( $what ) ) { $what = array( $what ); } if( is_array( $what ) ) { foreach( $what as $item ) { $str = preg_replace( '/('. preg_quote( $item , '/' ) .')+/' , $item , $str ); } } return $str; } /** * utf8_ws( ) * * Returns an array of Unicode White Space characters * @since 1.3 * * @return array An array with numeric code point as key and White Space Character as value */ function utf8_ws( ) { Static $white = array( // Numeric Code Point => UTF-8 Character 0 => "\x0" , //NUL Byte 9 => "\x9" , //Tab 10 => "\xa" , //New Line 11 => "\xb" , //Vertical Tab 13 => "\xd" , //Carriage Return 32 => "\x20" , //Ordinary Space 160 => "\xc2\xa0" , //NO-BREAK SPACE 5760 => "\xe1\x9a\x80" , //OGHAM SPACE MARK 6158 => "\xe1\xa0\x8e" , //MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR 8192 => "\xe2\x80\x80" , //EN QUAD 8193 => "\xe2\x80\x81" , //EM QUAD 8194 => "\xe2\x80\x82" , //EN SPACE 8195 => "\xe2\x80\x83" , //EM SPACE 8196 => "\xe2\x80\x84" , //THREE-PER-EM SPACE 8197 => "\xe2\x80\x85" , //FOUR-PER-EM SPACE 8198 => "\xe2\x80\x86" , //SIX-PER-EM SPACE 8199 => "\xe2\x80\x87" , //FIGURE SPACE 8200 => "\xe2\x80\x88" , //PUNCTUATION SPACE 8201 => "\xe2\x80\x89" , //THIN SPACE 8202 => "\xe2\x80\x8a" , //HAIR SPACE 8232 => "\xe2\x80\xa8" , //LINE SEPARATOR 8233 => "\xe2\x80\xa9" , //PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR 8239 => "\xe2\x80\xaf" , //NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE 8287 => "\xe2\x81\x9f" , //MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE 12288 => "\xe3\x80\x80" //IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE ); return $white; } /** * utf8_trim_util( ) * * For internal use - Prepares a string and given chars for trim operations * @since 1.3 * * @param string $string The string to be trimmed * @param string $chrs Optional characters to be stripped */ function utf8_trim_util( &$string , &$chrs ) { if( empty( $chrs ) ) { $chrs = utf8_ws( ); } else if( is_string( $chrs ) ) { $chrs = utf8_split( $chrs ); } $chrs = array_flip( $chrs ); $string = utf8_clean( $string ); //Cleanup is necessary here, or trim functions may break } /** * utf8_trim( ) * * Strip whitespace or other characters from beginning or end of a UTF-8 string * @since 1.3 * * @param string $string The string to be trimmed * @param string $chrs Optional characters to be stripped * @return string The trimmed string */ function utf8_trim( $string = '' , $chrs = '' ) { $string = utf8_ltrim( $string , $chrs ); return utf8_rtrim( $string , $chrs ); } /** * utf8_ltrim( ) * * Strip whitespace or other characters from beginning of a UTF-8 string * @since 1.3 * * @param string $string The string to be trimmed * @param string $chrs Optional characters to be stripped * @return string The string with unwanted characters stripped from the left */ function utf8_ltrim( $string = '' , $chrs = '' ) { utf8_trim_util( $string , $chrs ); $s_look = utf8_split( $string ); $count = 0; while( isset( $s_look[$count] ) && isset( $chrs[ $s_look[$count] ] ) ) { ++$count; } return utf8_substr( $string , $count ); } /** * utf8_rtrim( ) * * Strip whitespace or other characters from end of a UTF-8 string * @since 1.3 * * @param string $string The string to be trimmed * @param string $chrs Optional characters to be stripped * @return string The string with unwanted characters stripped from the right */ function utf8_rtrim( $string = '' , $chrs = '' ) { utf8_trim_util( $string , $chrs ); $s_look = utf8_split( $string ); $len = count( $s_look ); while( $len && isset( $chrs[ $s_look[ $len - 1 ] ] ) ) { --$len; } return utf8_substr( $string , 0 , $len ); } /** * utf8_strtolower( ) * * Make a UTF-8 string Lower Case * @since 1.3 * * @param string $str The input string * @return string The string with all upper case chars turned to lower case */ function utf8_strtolower( $str ) { static $table = null; if( mbstring_loaded( ) ) { //Auto Removes Invalid UTF-8 Byte Sequances return mb_strtolower( $str , 'UTF-8' ); } //Fallback if( empty( $table ) ) { $table = array_flip( utf8_case_table( ) ); } $str = utf8_clean( $str ); return strtr( $str , $table ); } /** * utf8_strtoupper( ) * * Make a UTF-8 string Upper Case * @since 1.3 * * @param string $str The input string * @return string The string with all lower case chars turned to upper case */ function utf8_strtoupper( $str ) { static $table = null; if( mbstring_loaded( ) ) { //Auto Removes Invalid UTF-8 Byte Sequances return mb_strtoupper( $str , 'UTF-8' ); } //Fallback if( empty( $table ) ) { $table = utf8_case_table( ); } $str = utf8_clean( $str ); return strtr( $str , $table ); } /** * utf8_case_table( ) * * Returns an array of all lower and upper case UTF-8 encoded characters * @since 1.3 * * @return array An array with lower case chars as keys and upper chars as values */ function utf8_case_table( ) { static $case = array( //lower => upper "\xf0\x90\x91\x8f"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\xa7","\xf0\x90\x91\x8e"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\xa6","\xf0\x90\x91\x8d"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\xa5", "\xf0\x90\x91\x8c"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\xa4","\xf0\x90\x91\x8b"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\xa3","\xf0\x90\x91\x8a"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\xa2", "\xf0\x90\x91\x89"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\xa1","\xf0\x90\x91\x88"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\xa0","\xf0\x90\x91\x87"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x9f", "\xf0\x90\x91\x86"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x9e","\xf0\x90\x91\x85"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x9d","\xf0\x90\x91\x84"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x9c", "\xf0\x90\x91\x83"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x9b","\xf0\x90\x91\x82"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x9a","\xf0\x90\x91\x81"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x99", "\xf0\x90\x91\x80"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x98","\xf0\x90\x90\xbf"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x97","\xf0\x90\x90\xbe"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x96", "\xf0\x90\x90\xbd"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x95","\xf0\x90\x90\xbc"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x94","\xf0\x90\x90\xbb"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x93", "\xf0\x90\x90\xba"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x92","\xf0\x90\x90\xb9"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x91","\xf0\x90\x90\xb8"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x90", "\xf0\x90\x90\xb7"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x8f","\xf0\x90\x90\xb6"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x8e","\xf0\x90\x90\xb5"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x8d", "\xf0\x90\x90\xb4"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x8c","\xf0\x90\x90\xb3"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x8b","\xf0\x90\x90\xb2"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x8a", "\xf0\x90\x90\xb1"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x89","\xf0\x90\x90\xb0"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x88","\xf0\x90\x90\xaf"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x87", "\xf0\x90\x90\xae"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x86","\xf0\x90\x90\xad"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x85","\xf0\x90\x90\xac"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x84", "\xf0\x90\x90\xab"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x83","\xf0\x90\x90\xaa"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x82","\xf0\x90\x90\xa9"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x81", "\xf0\x90\x90\xa8"=>"\xf0\x90\x90\x80","\xef\xbd\x9a"=>"\xef\xbc\xba","\xef\xbd\x99"=>"\xef\xbc\xb9","\xef\xbd\x98"=>"\xef\xbc\xb8", "\xef\xbd\x97"=>"\xef\xbc\xb7","\xef\xbd\x96"=>"\xef\xbc\xb6","\xef\xbd\x95"=>"\xef\xbc\xb5","\xef\xbd\x94"=>"\xef\xbc\xb4", "\xef\xbd\x93"=>"\xef\xbc\xb3","\xef\xbd\x92"=>"\xef\xbc\xb2","\xef\xbd\x91"=>"\xef\xbc\xb1","\xef\xbd\x90"=>"\xef\xbc\xb0", "\xef\xbd\x8f"=>"\xef\xbc\xaf","\xef\xbd\x8e"=>"\xef\xbc\xae","\xef\xbd\x8d"=>"\xef\xbc\xad","\xef\xbd\x8c"=>"\xef\xbc\xac", "\xef\xbd\x8b"=>"\xef\xbc\xab","\xef\xbd\x8a"=>"\xef\xbc\xaa","\xef\xbd\x89"=>"\xef\xbc\xa9","\xef\xbd\x88"=>"\xef\xbc\xa8", "\xef\xbd\x87"=>"\xef\xbc\xa7","\xef\xbd\x86"=>"\xef\xbc\xa6","\xef\xbd\x85"=>"\xef\xbc\xa5","\xef\xbd\x84"=>"\xef\xbc\xa4", "\xef\xbd\x83"=>"\xef\xbc\xa3","\xef\xbd\x82"=>"\xef\xbc\xa2","\xef\xbd\x81"=>"\xef\xbc\xa1","\xea\x9e\x8c"=>"\xea\x9e\x8b", "\xea\x9e\x87"=>"\xea\x9e\x86","\xea\x9e\x85"=>"\xea\x9e\x84","\xea\x9e\x83"=>"\xea\x9e\x82","\xea\x9e\x81"=>"\xea\x9e\x80", "\xea\x9d\xbf"=>"\xea\x9d\xbe","\xea\x9d\xbc"=>"\xea\x9d\xbb","\xea\x9d\xba"=>"\xea\x9d\xb9","\xea\x9d\xaf"=>"\xea\x9d\xae", "\xea\x9d\xad"=>"\xea\x9d\xac","\xea\x9d\xab"=>"\xea\x9d\xaa","\xea\x9d\xa9"=>"\xea\x9d\xa8","\xea\x9d\xa7"=>"\xea\x9d\xa6", "\xea\x9d\xa5"=>"\xea\x9d\xa4","\xea\x9d\xa3"=>"\xea\x9d\xa2","\xea\x9d\xa1"=>"\xea\x9d\xa0","\xea\x9d\x9f"=>"\xea\x9d\x9e", "\xea\x9d\x9d"=>"\xea\x9d\x9c","\xea\x9d\x9b"=>"\xea\x9d\x9a","\xea\x9d\x99"=>"\xea\x9d\x98","\xea\x9d\x97"=>"\xea\x9d\x96", "\xea\x9d\x95"=>"\xea\x9d\x94","\xea\x9d\x93"=>"\xea\x9d\x92","\xea\x9d\x91"=>"\xea\x9d\x90","\xea\x9d\x8f"=>"\xea\x9d\x8e", "\xea\x9d\x8d"=>"\xea\x9d\x8c","\xea\x9d\x8b"=>"\xea\x9d\x8a","\xea\x9d\x89"=>"\xea\x9d\x88","\xea\x9d\x87"=>"\xea\x9d\x86", "\xea\x9d\x85"=>"\xea\x9d\x84","\xea\x9d\x83"=>"\xea\x9d\x82","\xea\x9d\x81"=>"\xea\x9d\x80","\xea\x9c\xbf"=>"\xea\x9c\xbe", "\xea\x9c\xbd"=>"\xea\x9c\xbc","\xea\x9c\xbb"=>"\xea\x9c\xba","\xea\x9c\xb9"=>"\xea\x9c\xb8","\xea\x9c\xb7"=>"\xea\x9c\xb6", "\xea\x9c\xb5"=>"\xea\x9c\xb4","\xea\x9c\xb3"=>"\xea\x9c\xb2","\xea\x9c\xaf"=>"\xea\x9c\xae","\xea\x9c\xad"=>"\xea\x9c\xac", "\xea\x9c\xab"=>"\xea\x9c\xaa","\xea\x9c\xa9"=>"\xea\x9c\xa8","\xea\x9c\xa7"=>"\xea\x9c\xa6","\xea\x9c\xa5"=>"\xea\x9c\xa4", "\xea\x9c\xa3"=>"\xea\x9c\xa2","\xea\x9a\x97"=>"\xea\x9a\x96","\xea\x9a\x95"=>"\xea\x9a\x94","\xea\x9a\x93"=>"\xea\x9a\x92", "\xea\x9a\x91"=>"\xea\x9a\x90","\xea\x9a\x8f"=>"\xea\x9a\x8e","\xea\x9a\x8d"=>"\xea\x9a\x8c","\xea\x9a\x8b"=>"\xea\x9a\x8a", "\xea\x9a\x89"=>"\xea\x9a\x88","\xea\x9a\x87"=>"\xea\x9a\x86","\xea\x9a\x85"=>"\xea\x9a\x84","\xea\x9a\x83"=>"\xea\x9a\x82", "\xea\x9a\x81"=>"\xea\x9a\x80","\xea\x99\xad"=>"\xea\x99\xac","\xea\x99\xab"=>"\xea\x99\xaa","\xea\x99\xa9"=>"\xea\x99\xa8", "\xea\x99\xa7"=>"\xea\x99\xa6","\xea\x99\xa5"=>"\xea\x99\xa4","\xea\x99\xa3"=>"\xea\x99\xa2","\xea\x99\x9f"=>"\xea\x99\x9e", "\xea\x99\x9d"=>"\xea\x99\x9c","\xea\x99\x9b"=>"\xea\x99\x9a","\xea\x99\x99"=>"\xea\x99\x98","\xea\x99\x97"=>"\xea\x99\x96", "\xea\x99\x95"=>"\xea\x99\x94","\xea\x99\x93"=>"\xea\x99\x92","\xea\x99\x91"=>"\xea\x99\x90","\xea\x99\x8f"=>"\xea\x99\x8e", "\xea\x99\x8d"=>"\xea\x99\x8c","\xea\x99\x8b"=>"\xea\x99\x8a","\xea\x99\x89"=>"\xea\x99\x88","\xea\x99\x87"=>"\xea\x99\x86", "\xea\x99\x85"=>"\xea\x99\x84","\xea\x99\x83"=>"\xea\x99\x82","\xea\x99\x81"=>"\xea\x99\x80","\xe2\xb4\xa5"=>"\xe1\x83\x85", "\xe2\xb4\xa4"=>"\xe1\x83\x84","\xe2\xb4\xa3"=>"\xe1\x83\x83","\xe2\xb4\xa2"=>"\xe1\x83\x82","\xe2\xb4\xa1"=>"\xe1\x83\x81", "\xe2\xb4\xa0"=>"\xe1\x83\x80","\xe2\xb4\x9f"=>"\xe1\x82\xbf","\xe2\xb4\x9e"=>"\xe1\x82\xbe","\xe2\xb4\x9d"=>"\xe1\x82\xbd", "\xe2\xb4\x9c"=>"\xe1\x82\xbc","\xe2\xb4\x9b"=>"\xe1\x82\xbb","\xe2\xb4\x9a"=>"\xe1\x82\xba","\xe2\xb4\x99"=>"\xe1\x82\xb9", "\xe2\xb4\x98"=>"\xe1\x82\xb8","\xe2\xb4\x97"=>"\xe1\x82\xb7","\xe2\xb4\x96"=>"\xe1\x82\xb6","\xe2\xb4\x95"=>"\xe1\x82\xb5", "\xe2\xb4\x94"=>"\xe1\x82\xb4","\xe2\xb4\x93"=>"\xe1\x82\xb3","\xe2\xb4\x92"=>"\xe1\x82\xb2","\xe2\xb4\x91"=>"\xe1\x82\xb1", "\xe2\xb4\x90"=>"\xe1\x82\xb0","\xe2\xb4\x8f"=>"\xe1\x82\xaf","\xe2\xb4\x8e"=>"\xe1\x82\xae","\xe2\xb4\x8d"=>"\xe1\x82\xad", "\xe2\xb4\x8c"=>"\xe1\x82\xac","\xe2\xb4\x8b"=>"\xe1\x82\xab","\xe2\xb4\x8a"=>"\xe1\x82\xaa","\xe2\xb4\x89"=>"\xe1\x82\xa9", "\xe2\xb4\x88"=>"\xe1\x82\xa8","\xe2\xb4\x87"=>"\xe1\x82\xa7","\xe2\xb4\x86"=>"\xe1\x82\xa6","\xe2\xb4\x85"=>"\xe1\x82\xa5", "\xe2\xb4\x84"=>"\xe1\x82\xa4","\xe2\xb4\x83"=>"\xe1\x82\xa3","\xe2\xb4\x82"=>"\xe1\x82\xa2","\xe2\xb4\x81"=>"\xe1\x82\xa1", "\xe2\xb4\x80"=>"\xe1\x82\xa0","\xe2\xb3\xae"=>"\xe2\xb3\xad","\xe2\xb3\xac"=>"\xe2\xb3\xab","\xe2\xb3\xa3"=>"\xe2\xb3\xa2", "\xe2\xb3\xa1"=>"\xe2\xb3\xa0","\xe2\xb3\x9f"=>"\xe2\xb3\x9e","\xe2\xb3\x9d"=>"\xe2\xb3\x9c","\xe2\xb3\x9b"=>"\xe2\xb3\x9a", "\xe2\xb3\x99"=>"\xe2\xb3\x98","\xe2\xb3\x97"=>"\xe2\xb3\x96","\xe2\xb3\x95"=>"\xe2\xb3\x94","\xe2\xb3\x93"=>"\xe2\xb3\x92", "\xe2\xb3\x91"=>"\xe2\xb3\x90","\xe2\xb3\x8f"=>"\xe2\xb3\x8e","\xe2\xb3\x8d"=>"\xe2\xb3\x8c","\xe2\xb3\x8b"=>"\xe2\xb3\x8a", "\xe2\xb3\x89"=>"\xe2\xb3\x88","\xe2\xb3\x87"=>"\xe2\xb3\x86","\xe2\xb3\x85"=>"\xe2\xb3\x84","\xe2\xb3\x83"=>"\xe2\xb3\x82", "\xe2\xb3\x81"=>"\xe2\xb3\x80","\xe2\xb2\xbf"=>"\xe2\xb2\xbe","\xe2\xb2\xbd"=>"\xe2\xb2\xbc","\xe2\xb2\xbb"=>"\xe2\xb2\xba", "\xe2\xb2\xb9"=>"\xe2\xb2\xb8","\xe2\xb2\xb7"=>"\xe2\xb2\xb6","\xe2\xb2\xb5"=>"\xe2\xb2\xb4","\xe2\xb2\xb3"=>"\xe2\xb2\xb2", "\xe2\xb2\xb1"=>"\xe2\xb2\xb0","\xe2\xb2\xaf"=>"\xe2\xb2\xae","\xe2\xb2\xad"=>"\xe2\xb2\xac","\xe2\xb2\xab"=>"\xe2\xb2\xaa", "\xe2\xb2\xa9"=>"\xe2\xb2\xa8","\xe2\xb2\xa7"=>"\xe2\xb2\xa6","\xe2\xb2\xa5"=>"\xe2\xb2\xa4","\xe2\xb2\xa3"=>"\xe2\xb2\xa2", "\xe2\xb2\xa1"=>"\xe2\xb2\xa0","\xe2\xb2\x9f"=>"\xe2\xb2\x9e","\xe2\xb2\x9d"=>"\xe2\xb2\x9c","\xe2\xb2\x9b"=>"\xe2\xb2\x9a", "\xe2\xb2\x99"=>"\xe2\xb2\x98","\xe2\xb2\x97"=>"\xe2\xb2\x96","\xe2\xb2\x95"=>"\xe2\xb2\x94","\xe2\xb2\x93"=>"\xe2\xb2\x92", 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"\xc4\xa3"=>"\xc4\xa2","\xc4\xa1"=>"\xc4\xa0","\xc4\x9f"=>"\xc4\x9e","\xc4\x9d"=>"\xc4\x9c", "\xc4\x9b"=>"\xc4\x9a","\xc4\x99"=>"\xc4\x98","\xc4\x97"=>"\xc4\x96","\xc4\x95"=>"\xc4\x94", "\xc4\x93"=>"\xc4\x92","\xc4\x91"=>"\xc4\x90","\xc4\x8f"=>"\xc4\x8e","\xc4\x8d"=>"\xc4\x8c", "\xc4\x8b"=>"\xc4\x8a","\xc4\x89"=>"\xc4\x88","\xc4\x87"=>"\xc4\x86","\xc4\x85"=>"\xc4\x84", "\xc4\x83"=>"\xc4\x82","\xc4\x81"=>"\xc4\x80","\xc3\xbf"=>"\xc5\xb8","\xc3\xbe"=>"\xc3\x9e", "\xc3\xbd"=>"\xc3\x9d","\xc3\xbc"=>"\xc3\x9c","\xc3\xbb"=>"\xc3\x9b","\xc3\xba"=>"\xc3\x9a", "\xc3\xb9"=>"\xc3\x99","\xc3\xb8"=>"\xc3\x98","\xc3\xb6"=>"\xc3\x96","\xc3\xb5"=>"\xc3\x95", "\xc3\xb4"=>"\xc3\x94","\xc3\xb3"=>"\xc3\x93","\xc3\xb2"=>"\xc3\x92","\xc3\xb1"=>"\xc3\x91", "\xc3\xb0"=>"\xc3\x90","\xc3\xaf"=>"\xc3\x8f","\xc3\xae"=>"\xc3\x8e","\xc3\xad"=>"\xc3\x8d", "\xc3\xac"=>"\xc3\x8c","\xc3\xab"=>"\xc3\x8b","\xc3\xaa"=>"\xc3\x8a","\xc3\xa9"=>"\xc3\x89", "\xc3\xa8"=>"\xc3\x88","\xc3\xa7"=>"\xc3\x87","\xc3\xa6"=>"\xc3\x86","\xc3\xa5"=>"\xc3\x85", "\xc3\xa4"=>"\xc3\x84","\xc3\xa3"=>"\xc3\x83","\xc3\xa2"=>"\xc3\x82","\xc3\xa1"=>"\xc3\x81", "\xc3\xa0"=>"\xc3\x80","\xc2\xb5"=>"\xce\x9c","\x7a"=>"\x5a","\x79"=>"\x59", "\x78"=>"\x58","\x77"=>"\x57","\x76"=>"\x56","\x75"=>"\x55", "\x74"=>"\x54","\x73"=>"\x53","\x72"=>"\x52","\x71"=>"\x51", "\x70"=>"\x50","\x6f"=>"\x4f","\x6e"=>"\x4e","\x6d"=>"\x4d", "\x6c"=>"\x4c","\x6b"=>"\x4b","\x6a"=>"\x4a","\x69"=>"\x49", "\x68"=>"\x48","\x67"=>"\x47","\x66"=>"\x46","\x65"=>"\x45", "\x64"=>"\x44","\x63"=>"\x43","\x62"=>"\x42","\x61"=>"\x41" ); return $case; } /** * mbstring_loaded( ) * * Checks whether mbstring is available on the server * @since 1.3 * * @return bool True if available, False otherwise */ function mbstring_loaded( ) { static $flag = null; if( $flag === null ) { $flag = extension_loaded( 'mbstring' ); } return $flag; } /** * iconv_loaded( ) * * Checks whether iconv is available on the server * @since 1.3 * * @return bool True if available, False otherwise */ function iconv_loaded( ) { static $flag = null; if( $flag === null ) { $flag = extension_loaded( 'iconv' ); } return $flag; } /** * utf8_ucfirst( ) * * Makes string's first char Uppercase * @since 1.3 * * @param string $str The input string * @return string The resulting string */ function utf8_ucfirst( $str ) { return utf8_strtoupper( utf8_substr( $str , 0 , 1 ) ) . utf8_substr( $str , 1 ); } /** * utf8_lcfirst( ) * * Makes string's first char Lowercase * @since 1.3 * * @param string $str The input string * @return string The resulting string */ function utf8_lcfirst( $str ) { return utf8_strtolower( utf8_substr( $str , 0 , 1 ) ) . utf8_substr( $str , 1 ); } /** * utf8_ucwords( ) * * Uppercase the first character of each word in a string * @since 1.3 * * @param string $str The input string * @return string The resulting string */ function utf8_ucwords( $str ) { foreach( utf8_ws( ) as $ws ) { $pos = -1; while( true ) { if( ( $pos = utf8_strpos( $str , $ws , $pos + 1 ) ) === false ) { break; } $str = utf8_substr( $str , 0 , $pos + 1 ) . utf8_strtoupper( utf8_substr( $str , $pos + 1 , 1 ) ) . utf8_substr( $str , $pos + 2 ); } } return utf8_ucfirst( $str ); } /** * utf8_stripos( ) * * Find position of first occurrence of a case-insensitive string * @since 1.3 * * @param string $haystack The string to look in * @param string $needle The string to look for * @param int $offset (Optional) Number of characters to ignore in the begining * @return int The position of needle */ function utf8_stripos( $haystack , $needle , $offset = 0 ) { return utf8_strpos( utf8_strtolower( $haystack ) , utf8_strtolower( $needle ) , $offset ); } /** * utf8_strripos( ) * * Find position of last occurrence of a case-insensitive string * @since 1.3 * * @param string $haystack The string to look in * @param string $needle The string to look for * @param int $offset (Optional) Number of characters to ignore in the begining or end * @return int The position of offset */ function utf8_strripos( $haystack , $needle , $offset = 0 ) { return utf8_strrpos( utf8_strtolower( $haystack ) , utf8_strtolower( $needle ) , $offset ); } ?>