When working with CSS, it is common to use Hexadecimal Notation of colors, while on the back end, many PHP functions (like imagecolorallocate()
, imagecolorclosest()
, imagecolorexact()
etc, require that you pass on colors as red, green and blue integers.
Category: PHP
Implementing logical right shifting in PHP
PHP’s bitwise operators <<
and >>
implement Arithmetic Bit Shifting. This means:
- Left shift (using
operator) fills in zero(s) on the right end of the bitfield, and bit(s) shifted off the left end are discarded; - Right shift (using
operator) discards bit(s) shifted off the right end of the bitfield and copy(ies) of sign bit are shifted in on the left end.
Logical Bit Shifting is different in that on right shifts, zeros are shifted in on the left end of the bitfield, affecting the sign of negative integer.
Finding Even or Odd numbers with PHP
PHP does not provide any mathematical function like is_even
to help you check if a given integer is an Even
number or Odd
. Writing your own such function is not difficult and below are listed a number of alternatives that provide different logical solutions to do this.